Westmoreland County Court Records
The Public Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania in Section 1.0 defines court records as any indices, dockets, orders, opinions, decrees, judgments, and other case documents received and maintained by a court or custodian. Court records exclude the work product of judges and court personnel, memoranda, drafts, correspondence, notes, and worksheets.
The Westmoreland County Clerk of Court is responsible for maintaining court records and dockets in compliance with the Local Rules of Court. The Clerk keeps court records for various reasons:
- They provide insight into the activities that occurred during a judicial proceeding, which can be used to resolve disputes about what was said and evidence presented in the court.
- Court records ensure that cases are handled fairly and impartially such that attorneys and judges can refer to them to ensure every party to a case is following due process.
- Attorneys and judges can use court records as evidence for future judicial proceedings.
Are Court Records Public in Westmoreland County
Yes. Per Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law, members of the public can inspect or obtain copies of court records during the normal business hours of the Courts of Common Pleas. Therefore, court records are open to the public in Westmoreland County. However, some court records and information are not available for public disclosure. Examples of such records/information are:
Confidential Information
- Driver license numbers
- Social Security Numbers
- Financial account numbers
- State identification (SID) numbers
- Abuse victim's addresses and other contact information
- Minors' names and dates of birth, excluding juveniles charged as defendants in criminal cases
Confidential Document
- Financial Source Documents
- Minors' educational records
- Medical/psychological records
- Income and expense statement
- Agreements between the parties
- Children and youth services' records
- Marital property inventory and pre-trial statement
Where to Conduct a Westmoreland County Case Lookup
Members of the public can find court records at the Westmoreland County Courts of Common Pleas and Magisterial District Courts. Cases appealed to the state courts can be found at the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
How to Conduct a Westmoreland County Case Records Search
The Westmoreland County Courts of Common Pleas allows online access to court records through the iJEMS and Pennsylvania Judiciary Web Portals. The Clerk’s Office provides access to court records through email at wcclerksrecords@co.westmoreland.pa.us. Alternatively, requesters can submit an Online Request Form, which can be submitted by mail, fax, email, or in person at the Records Management Office:
Records Management Office
40 N Pennsylvania Ave
Courthouse Square Extension (basement)
Greensburg, PA 15601
Fax: (724) 830-3055
Email: records@co.westmoreland.pa.us
Westmoreland County Civil Court Case Records
Civil court case records are documents containing noncriminal cases where one private party sues another for redress of private or civil rights. The Civil Court of Common Pleas handles civil cases in Westmoreland County. Individuals can search civil court case records online through iJEMS, the Westmoreland County Prothonotary public access website. This portal provides access to court records via:
- Public Search (No viewing of images, access to docket)
- Paid Monthly Subscription (1 month access to view images, $50)
- Paid Yearly Subscription (1-year access to view images, $240)
Subscribers create an account and log in to the portal using their Username / Email Address and password. Individuals can use the public search option to conduct a search by party, name and date, case number, date range, or case subtype.
Requesters can search for court records by email at lgallowa@co.westmoreland.pa.us, phone at (724) 830-3941, or in person at the Westmoreland County Courthouse. The courthouse opens from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Westmoreland County Criminal Court Case Records
Criminal case records are documents of court proceedings where defendants are tried for conduct considered illegal according to the state’s legislature or county ordinances. The Criminal Court of Common Pleas handles all criminal cases in Westmoreland County. The Court has a Criminal Dockets- Public Access where individuals can find criminal records online. The search parameters are attorney, citation number, complaint number, date filed, docket number, incident number, or participant name. Alternatively, interested persons can search for court records by email at pflaniga@co.westmoreland.pa.us, phone at (724) 830-3832, or in person at the Westmoreland County Courthouse during business hours.
How to Get Court Records Online for Free
The Westmoreland County Courts of Common Pleas provides free access to court records online through its Public Records Searches page. Click on the Search Civil Records or Criminal Court Dockets links to retrieve civil or criminal records for free. The search criteria are by party, name and date, case number, date range, case subtype, attorney, citation number, complaint number, date filed, docket number, or incident number, depending on the case type.
Courts in Westmoreland County
Below is the address of the Westmoreland County Courthouse:
Westmoreland County Courthouse
2 N Main St
Greensburg, PA 15601
Phone: (724) 830-3826